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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sebas Martí ideas de Bombero a Antinous
"Carlos, home del temps en televisió, estrena solteria. Les despeses es multipliquen, així que decideix fer un casting per a trobar company de pis. Lorenzo, de professió bomber i de configuració superior, sembla el candidat ideal. També és promiscu amb totes les forces, però això, en principi, és cosa de cadascú. Ara, si no vol sofrir, Carlos haurà de repetir-se una vegada i una altra que no s'ha quedat colgadísimo del seu bomber. Sebas Martín ens proposa una encantadora comèdia urbana on l'amor i el sexe es confonen com en la vida mateixa."
Idees de bomber és la quarta novel·la gràfica de Sebas Martín dirigida a un públic gai que publica Edicions La Cúpula, després d'Estic en això (2005), Encara estic en això (2007) i Els chulos passen però les germanes queden (2009). Martín també va ser redactor cap de la revista de còmic gai Clar que si còmics de La Cúpula.
Idees de bomber és la quarta novel·la gràfica de Sebas Martín dirigida a un públic gai que publica Edicions La Cúpula, després d'Estic en això (2005), Encara estic en això (2007) i Els chulos passen però les germanes queden (2009). Martín també va ser redactor cap de la revista de còmic gai Clar que si còmics de La Cúpula.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
50 LGBT Books everyone should read
Definitively recommended. A very nice guide to a wide LGBT reading base book collection.
for a bigger size and comfortable reading
for a bigger size and comfortable reading
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Purple days
1.717.455 Attending, 348.918 Maybe attending,10.000 Awaiting reply,1.229.312 Not attending.
Este ha sido el resultado al dia de hoy de la convocatoria realizada por Tierney Michele Pomo una chica adolescente que se ha involucrado con el tema de los suicidios de adolescentes lgbt a raiz del bullying que sufren en sus escuelas y su vida diaria.
"...READ: ****This event was not created by me. It was created by someone who cares deeply on Tumblr, and I am only spreading the word.****
It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools.
Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality.
Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.
Join this event and invite everyone on your friends list. Don't let their deaths be for nothing. Let it mean something, and let's do something to change this country for once..."
Un movimiento mundial de solidaridad basado en esta acción y el discurso del político norteamericano Joel Burns en el cual se dirigía a los adolescentes de su país diciéndoles: " It gets Better" como apoyo a la campaña del columnista y activista Dan Savage, publicada en Youtube con mas de 2 millones de visitas Intentan llamar la atención acerca de la gran cantidad de suicidios que viene sucediendo debido a la violencia homófoba dirigida a adolescentes en muchos países.
Y es aquí cuando nos damos cuenta que países como los Estados Unidos, los miembros de la UE, el bloque musulmán y africano, padecen y generan problemas sociales de raíz, en donde a pesar de proclamarse abanderados del progreso y los derechos civiles, su mismo sistema genera situaciones de dio y falta de convivencia profundas, falta de solidaridad y humanidad sobre la cual las nuevas generaciones se movilizan.
Factores como las tradiciones arraigadas, la diferencia vista como peligro, la religión opuesta a la espiritualidad y la insistencia en la segregación de todo, tipo hacen que sea imposible para muchos jóvenes poder seguir viviendo.
Tenemos una gran incapacidad de percibirnos como seres humanos, como un grupo heterogéneo y plural, lo cual sin duda tiene su raíz en la insistente actitud de superioridad que por siglos la sociedad europea occidental ha proclamado ante el mundo. esta insistencia en la diferencia, en la clasificación y en la estratificación solo ha logrado que algunos se perciban como validos y otros como repudiables. Esta diferenciación ha otorgado a bullyiers el derecho a abusar y molestar a sus victimas. les ha permitido pensarse superiores, mejores o validos.
Es posible que nuestra evolución nos lleve algún día a considerar a todos los seres humanos como válidos sin necesidad de tener que transformarse, aparentar o dejar de ser si mismos.
No creo en superioridades, no creo en clasificaciones, no creo en las religiones ni en los discursos diferenciadores. Solo creo en el ser humano, como otro ser mas que habita la tierra, ya no podemos ser los bárbaros que se matan entre si o se odian entre si por diferencias y medios. Realmente esperamos y trabajamos para que It gets a lot better.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
European Rainbow Cities Barcelona
Some highlights on the first day of the conference would be:
A general tension between EU policies, local initiatives and social realities reflected on a very wide variety of points of view across the the 27 states of the union. eastern and western Europe perspectives and legislation. Being very different culturally and historically as Roman Kuhar from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenja) revealed on his presentation, Western and Eastern European countries show the whole spectrum of Homonegative attitudes towards LGBT diversity in their societies.
The Italian network RE.A.DY as presented by Luca Cipriani from the Torino Town hall seem to have no political objections or inconveniences for their activities during any government (left or right winged) a presentation that really generated doubts among participates knowing the current realities widespread in the news about the conservative government and lgbt rights in Italy.
Conclusions are still to be heard and hopefully a very good with the withe paper will be done.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Barbara Hammer Moma New York Restrospective
Bsrbara Hammer is one of the most relevant artists participating in Amor Universal Love Project Exhibition. The MOMA NYC Exhibition Includes the World Premiere of Hammer's Newest Film, Generations, as well as Her Groundbreaking Experimental Short Films and Documentaries
Barbara Hammer
September 15-October 13, 2010 The Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters
NEW YORK, August 13, 2010— A retrospective of works by experimental filmmaker Barbara Hammer (American, b. 1939) spanning from 1968 to today, including the world premiere of her new film Generations (2010), made in collaboration with Gina Carducci, will be shown at The Museum of Modern Art from September 15 through October 13, 2010. Hammer is renowned for creating the earliest and most extensive body of avant-garde films on lesbian life and sexuality, including Dyketactics (1974) and Women I Love (1976). Barbara Hammer is organized by Sally Berger, Assistant Curator, Department of Film, The Museum of Modern Art.
Full Press Release and Schedule: calendar/films/1107
Barbara´s participation in Amor Universal Love at
Bsrbara Hammer is one of the most relevant artists participating in Amor Universal Love Project Exhibition. The MOMA NYC Exhibition Includes the World Premiere of Hammer's Newest Film, Generations, as well as Her Groundbreaking Experimental Short Films and Documentaries
Barbara Hammer
September 15-October 13, 2010 The Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters
NEW YORK, August 13, 2010— A retrospective of works by experimental filmmaker Barbara Hammer (American, b. 1939) spanning from 1968 to today, including the world premiere of her new film Generations (2010), made in collaboration with Gina Carducci, will be shown at The Museum of Modern Art from September 15 through October 13, 2010. Hammer is renowned for creating the earliest and most extensive body of avant-garde films on lesbian life and sexuality, including Dyketactics (1974) and Women I Love (1976). Barbara Hammer is organized by Sally Berger, Assistant Curator, Department of Film, The Museum of Modern Art.
Full Press Release and Schedule:
Barbara´s participation in Amor Universal Love at
barbara hammer,
gender equality,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Beneficios de Seguridad Social por Matrimonio Gay en Argentina
La historia de Nicolás, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario que contrajo matrimonio con su pareja, Martín. Solicitaron al la universidad el beneficio de Obra Social y les ha sido adjudicado. Un importante paso en el reconocimieno de los derechos de las parejas del mismo sexo en Argentina.
seguridad social,
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Quant aux poulets...
Semaine du Salon du Meuble à Milan, l'ambiance normale des festivités et le zum-zum-zum que courre et une blague: “ Ne mange pas du poulet, car ça peut te transformer...en pédé car ils sont tous hormonés! “. Cela n'étonne jamais dans une ambiance de salon, boire du bon Barolo, manger du parmeggiano, critiquer l'iPad des autres ou regarder les nouvelles créations et tout cela avec le bon accent italien. Mais ce qui m'étonne, c'est l'origine de la blague.
Il y a une semaine ou deux, la presse énervée a commenté Evo Morales et son discours de l'ouverture du Sommet sur les changements climatiques à Cochabamba. Il a offert la nouvelle à des milliers de participants politiquement correct. En parlant des aliments génétiquement modifiés il a exprimé un commentaire que certains ont pris pour son idée sur les origines de l'homosexualité : les poulets hormonés.
Selon, le président bolivien : « Quand on parle de poulet, il est rempli d'hormones féminins et les hommes qui mangent ces poulets perdent leurs virilité, ce qui explique la présence de plus en plus des homosexuels dans le monde.» . Déjà en 2005, il avait mentionné que manger du poulet pourrait rendre les hommes chauves. Cela nous laisse penser que le leader bolivien ne mange pas du poulet, vu sa chevelure épaisse. Pour lui, le poulet est un des symboles de la décadence capitaliste avec KFC. Les théories de Morales ne semblent pas avoir été immédiatement acceptées par la communauté scientifique. Après tout, si on suivant ce raisonnement, il suffirait de mettre des hormones mâles dans les poulets pour transformer les homosexuels en hétérosexuels.
Le cabinet du gouvernement d'Evo Morales jure qu'il ne voulait pas provoquer une telle polémique ou faire un commentaire à caractère «homophobe». Le ministère des relations extérieures a tenté de rectifier le tir deux jours après la déclaration du président : « Ce n’est qu’un commentaire: manger du poulet hormoné peut affecter notre propre corps. Ce point de vue a été confirmé par des scientifiques et même par l'Union européenne qui a interdit l'utilisation de certaines hormones dans les aliments. Le gouvernement affirme donc ceci, selon des études qui ont montré que les hormones sexuelles dans les aliments peuvent causer des anomalies génitales chez les garçons.» Le document n'a pas apaisé toutes les critiques - surtout depuis la presse internationale a ajouté que le parti au pouvoir a toujours été considéré comme moins favorable aux homosexuels que Morales.
La Bolivie est un pays connu pour sa pauvreté, mais il est aussi plus peut être le plus riche que certains quand il s'agit de droits des homosexuels. Jetez tous un oeil à la nouvelle Constitution qui a été approuvée en Janvier 2009, et plus particulièrement à l'article 14, paragraphe 2.
Ce texte est très clair: «L'Etat interdit et sanctionne toute forme de discrimination fondée sur le sexe, l'identité sexuelle de la couleur, âge, orientation sexuelle, origine, culture, nationalité, citoyenneté, langue, croyances religieuses, l'idéologie, l'appartenance politique ou philosophique, l'état matrimonial , la situation économique ou sociale, le type de profession, niveau d'éducation, d'invalidité, de grossesse ou d'autres facteurs qui ont pour objet ou pour effet de détruire ou de compromettre la reconnaissance, la jouissance ou l'exercice, sur un pied d'égalité, les droits de chacun. "
En soixante-dix mots, le gouvernement bolivien a fait plus pour les gays que, peut-être, tout le continent latino-américain avaient pendant des siècles. Le gouvernement du même pays apporte son soutien à de nombreux groupes LGBT. Alex Bernabé, directeur de la Fondation LGBT, attend déjà la prochaine étape pour les droits des homosexuels en Bolivie sur le modèle de ce qui a été obtenu en Afrique du Sud: la légalisation des unions civiles entre personnes du même sexe vu que l’article 14 protège les minorités, constitutionnellement et légalement, contre la discrimination. Les droits sont les mêmes pour tout le monde.
Pour conclure, le sommet est achevé et Evo Morales est difficilement parvenu à faire oublier ses gaffes en attirant l’attention vers sa conférence alternative sur les changement climatiques et les droits de la Terre-Mère (CMPCC). Il était l'hôte et l’organisateur de ce rassemblement à Tiquipaya, une petite ville juste au nord de Cochabamba. C’est de là qu’est partie la révolte pour la privatisation de l'eau en 2000 qui a inspiré le mouvement social et contribué à amener Morales au pouvoir. « Une marque historique »
Evo Moraleset est en train d'imprimer sa marque qui dépasse une simple écologisation des mouvements révolutionnaires ou une révolution des mouvements écologiques. Il a quelque chose d'encore plus ambitieux: peut-être inspirer une nouvelle ère dans la politique continentale et mondiale, qui fusionne le meilleur des amérindiens, de gauche, des syndicats, environnementalistes et d'autres mouvements dans le but de sauver la Pachamama (Terre Mère). L'accueil du président de l'État plurinational de Bulibiya (Bolivie, en quechua) marque également une nouvelle étape dans la montée remarquable d'un Coca-Amérindien, ancien producteur et immigrant (Morales a émigré en Argentine dans sa jeunesse) qui est devenu le leader « de-facto » de ce mouvement hybride mondial qui relie les droits de l'homme à ce que les organisateurs ont inventé les «droits universels de la Planète Mère."
Quant aux poulets, nous allons continuer à les manger, en France et aussi en Europe, ils sont tous d'appellation d'origine contrôlée ou cela change nos orientations sexuelles, ce sera une autre histoire...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Amor Universal Love´s first preview exhibition in Barcelona
Five years have passed since we started this project with the support of the NYU Fales Library, NYC LGBT Center and Visual Aids. Now AmorUniversaLove moves to Europe to start a new journey starting in Barcelona.
In a new and very different context, the historical research and artistic references have grown exponentially, new points of view, cultures and information have become part of an already eclectic body of work.
The first Barcelona preview exhibition will include a collection of works from cartoonists and graphic novel artists from Catalonia, Interviews with local activists who shaped the path of what the we enjoy today in Spain, being of the countries in the world with equal Civil rights granted to the LGBT community, and a press board where the history of recent years can be checked at a glance.
This first preview exhibition will be held at the main hall of the CCOO (Workers Guild of Catalonia) to celebrate the annual day against homophobia, trying to capture the attention of companies and syndicates about homophobia at the workplace. We have gathered 4 experts that will discuss on a workshop facts about this issue and testimonials of the subtle way discrimination is currently held in many companies and multinationals.
It is an exciting experience to develop a whole new research about the struggles people and leaders have been trough in Spain and specially in Catalonia during and after Franco´s dictatorship and the way certain things still remain in everyday life.
We have found that Catalonia´s LGBT history is full of initiatives, creative leaders and vision that still fight for a better life and understanding of sexual diversity.
Research and materials are still in development, new artists, organizations and publications will certainly be included and hopefully very soon, the whole project will be traveling across towns and be exhibited in local libraries and community centers.
In a new and very different context, the historical research and artistic references have grown exponentially, new points of view, cultures and information have become part of an already eclectic body of work.
The first Barcelona preview exhibition will include a collection of works from cartoonists and graphic novel artists from Catalonia, Interviews with local activists who shaped the path of what the we enjoy today in Spain, being of the countries in the world with equal Civil rights granted to the LGBT community, and a press board where the history of recent years can be checked at a glance.
This first preview exhibition will be held at the main hall of the CCOO (Workers Guild of Catalonia) to celebrate the annual day against homophobia, trying to capture the attention of companies and syndicates about homophobia at the workplace. We have gathered 4 experts that will discuss on a workshop facts about this issue and testimonials of the subtle way discrimination is currently held in many companies and multinationals.
It is an exciting experience to develop a whole new research about the struggles people and leaders have been trough in Spain and specially in Catalonia during and after Franco´s dictatorship and the way certain things still remain in everyday life.
We have found that Catalonia´s LGBT history is full of initiatives, creative leaders and vision that still fight for a better life and understanding of sexual diversity.
Research and materials are still in development, new artists, organizations and publications will certainly be included and hopefully very soon, the whole project will be traveling across towns and be exhibited in local libraries and community centers.
human rights,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Straight Couple got court 1 month in prison for kissing in public !

A British couple was sentenced to one month in jail for kissing in a restaurant in Dubai. The situation came up last November when Ayman Najafi, 24, marketing consultant, and Charlotte Adams, 25, a real estate agent, are, according to witnesses, the touching and kissing passionately at a dinner with friends at a restaurant by the sea.
Najafi working in Dubai for 18 months and Adams was visiting the country. Despite the charges, the couple said in a hearing before the Court of Appeal of Dubai, being the victim of a big mistake.
The police have been called to the restaurant around 2 am by a woman who sat with the children, on a bedside table and claimed that the daughter has to be disturbed by statements sense of affection between Najafi and Adams. After the arrest the two were subject to alcohol testing, which proved positive.
At the hearing, the defense attorney, Hosany al Khalaf, said the couple admitted to have been kissed on the face, but denied any intention of breaking the law. What was not sufficient as it was eventually convicted and also had to pay a fine of 198 euros to be in a public place after having consumed alcohol - which is banned in Dubai.
The two ended up being released after paying a bail and awaiting the final verdict, which will be read on April 4.
The two Britons are not the first victims of the laws of Dubai. Last year, Michelle Palmer, 36, and Vince Acors, 34, were sentenced to three months in prison for having sex on the beaches of the country.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Readers of the Washington Post refuse to see image of a gay couple kissing.

Readers of the Washington Post refused to cross with homosexual sex scenes in the pages of their daily favorite.
The controversy broke out when the newspaper published on the cover, the image of a gay couple to kiss. The idea was to appeal to the legalization of marriage between persons of the same sex in the U.S. capital.
The newspaper admitted it had received complaints of 27 subscribers, one of which threatened to stop reading the newspaper, in the case of "re-appear on the cover of two men to join the lips" ..
New Puritanism again?
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Senator Gay in "bad strategy"
Roy Ashburn has 55 years, is the father of four children and was until earlier this week openly anti-gay. Now a U.S. senator in California, who opposed for 14 years for measures to give rights to homosexuals, assumed his homosexuality after being caught driving under influence of alcohol, walk away from a gay bar.
In an interview with KERN, Senator confessed: "I'm gay!" After so many years to vote against legislative amendments Roy Ashburn justify that their actions did not reflect the "internal conflict" in which he lived, but what the voters wanted him to do. Ashburn already vetoed this year one day to celebrate a gay rights activist Harvey Milk and even vetoed laws against discrimination and recognition of homosexual marriage to be celebrated outside the State of California.
The consequences of disclosure already begun to feel, Ashburn has said he will not re-apply for any political position.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Vatican New Scandale

One of the advisers to the Vatican's elite was removed from office this week due to alleged involvement in a sex scandal. The police recorded a phone call from Angelo Balducci in which this requirement homosexual prostitution services to one of the elements of the Vatican choir, Ehiem Thomas, who was also suspended.
The situation was discovered by chance, since the phone Balducci was being heard in connection with a corruption investigation that had nothing to do with the Vatican. The case had a strong echo in the Italian press, who said that Pope Benedict XVI is already aware of the situation.
Balducci had a responsible position in the Vatican. he was responsible to escort, for example, the heads of state on official visit.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Yogyakarta Principles : The application of International Human Rights law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
In 2006, in response to well-documented patterns of abuse, a distinguished group of international human rights experts met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia to outline a set of international principles relating to sexual orientation and gender identity.
The result was the Yogyakarta Principles: a universal guide to human rights which affirm binding international legal standards with which all States must comply.
They promise a different future where all people born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.
Human rights violations targeted toward persons because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity constitute an entrenched global pattern of serious concern. They include extra-judicial killings, torture and ill-treatment, sexual assault and rape, invasions of privacy, arbitrary detention, denial of employment and education opportunities, and serious discrimination in relation to the enjoyment of other human rights.
Key human rights mechanisms of the United Nations have affirmed States obligation to ensure effective protection of all persons from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However, the international response has been fragmented and inconsistent, creating the need for a consistent understanding of the comprehensive regime of international human rights law and its application to issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Yogyakarta Principles do this.
The result was the Yogyakarta Principles: a universal guide to human rights which affirm binding international legal standards with which all States must comply.
They promise a different future where all people born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.
Human rights violations targeted toward persons because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity constitute an entrenched global pattern of serious concern. They include extra-judicial killings, torture and ill-treatment, sexual assault and rape, invasions of privacy, arbitrary detention, denial of employment and education opportunities, and serious discrimination in relation to the enjoyment of other human rights.
Key human rights mechanisms of the United Nations have affirmed States obligation to ensure effective protection of all persons from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However, the international response has been fragmented and inconsistent, creating the need for a consistent understanding of the comprehensive regime of international human rights law and its application to issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Yogyakarta Principles do this.
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