Friday, May 20, 2011

Dia Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia

An impressive global program for the 7th edition of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is taking place around May 17th with hundreds of events planned in over 50 countries. The Day’s activities take place among growing international tensions between progressive developments and reactionary outbursts, including the now infamous Ugandan ‘anti-gay’ bill which again risks being passed in the Parliament this very week.

All over the world, thousands of activists are gearing up for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, also known by its acronym IDAHO. This year’s IDAHO will break records of mobilisation and outreach, as an estimated 50 million people will be exposed to campaign messages in about 50 countries, calling for an end to discrimination and violence against people on the grounds of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Amongst many noteworthy events, organisations in 14 countries across Latin America will unite in a common campaign and unfold dozens of public activities to denounce the ‘Cures that Kill’, the so-called ‘therapies’ to supposedly ‘cure’ sexual and gender diversity, often driving people to suicide. This regional campaign has launched an appeal and invites citizens across the world to support this call online at:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Identitidades Híbridas en el ciclo de Conferencias Dias Diversos

Diverse Days Lecture Series

Framed in the context of multiculturalism, Jorge Rodriguez raises the issue of hybrid identities. An approach to the perception of identity as a mixture that never stops. This series of activities about diversity and human rights are held in order to reflect and generate knowledge, give a voice to organizations and experts on different topics and join the celebration of the International Diversity Day declared by the United Nations.

Ciclo de Conferencias Días Diversos

Enmarcado en el tema de la interculturalidad, Jorge Rodriguez plantea el tema de las identidades híbridas. Una aproximación a la percepción de la identidad como una mezcla que no para. Este ciclo de charlas en torno la diversidad y los derechos humanos se organiza con el objetivo de reflexionar y aportar conocimiento, dar voz a entidades y personas expertas en los diferentes temas, y sumarnos a la celebración de días internacionales declarados por las Naciones Unidas.

Cicle de conferències Dies Diversos
quest cicle entorn la diversitat i els drets humans s’organitza amb l’objectiu de reflexionar i aportar coneixement sobre aquestes qüestions, donar veu a entitats i persones expertes en els diferents temes, i sumar-nos a la celebració de dies internacionals clau declarats per les Nacions Unides.

more info at