A Member of Parliament of Uganda submitted a draft bill introducing the death penalty for homosexual practices.
David Bahati also advocates the death penalty for those who do sex with the disabled, under 18 or when the accused is HIV positive, says the BBC News website.
The truth is that, according to some analysts, this bill has good chances to advance, as several political leaders and the president has to defend positions against gays.
Advocates of homosexuals in Uganda estimate that a country with about 31 million, there are about 500 thousand people with this orientation.
David Bahati also advocates the death penalty for those who do sex with the disabled, under 18 or when the accused is HIV positive, says the BBC News website.
The truth is that, according to some analysts, this bill has good chances to advance, as several political leaders and the president has to defend positions against gays.
Advocates of homosexuals in Uganda estimate that a country with about 31 million, there are about 500 thousand people with this orientation.