Monday, May 10, 2010

Amor Universal Love´s first preview exhibition in Barcelona

Five years have passed since we started this project with the support of the NYU Fales Library, NYC LGBT Center and Visual Aids. Now AmorUniversaLove moves to Europe to start a new journey starting in Barcelona.

In a new and very different context, the historical research and artistic references have grown exponentially, new points of view, cultures and information have become part of an already eclectic body of work.

The first Barcelona preview exhibition will include a collection of works from cartoonists and graphic novel artists from Catalonia, Interviews with local activists who shaped the path of what the we enjoy today in Spain, being of the countries in the world with equal Civil rights granted to the LGBT community, and a press board where the history of recent years can be checked at a glance.

This first preview exhibition will be held at the main hall of the CCOO (Workers Guild of Catalonia) to celebrate the annual day against homophobia, trying to capture the attention of companies and syndicates about homophobia at the workplace. We have gathered 4 experts that will discuss on a workshop facts about this issue and testimonials of the subtle way discrimination is currently held in many companies and multinationals.

It is an exciting experience to develop a whole new research about the struggles people and leaders have been trough in Spain and specially in Catalonia during and after Franco´s dictatorship and the way certain things still remain in everyday life.

We have found that Catalonia´s  LGBT history is full of initiatives, creative leaders and vision that still fight for a better life and understanding of sexual diversity.

Research and materials are still in development, new artists, organizations and publications will certainly be included and hopefully very soon, the whole project will be traveling across towns and be exhibited in local libraries and community centers.