Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Gay Sex with the Priest

Albert Green vividly remembers the first time he saw the home of the Rev. Ed Olszewski, the priest who cared for him when he was 11.
"The first day, I was so excited. I went running through the church. Everything was so pretty -- it was like a mansion. It had 12 bedrooms and six bathrooms. It was humongous," said Green, 46, who lives in Lynnwood.
Green remembers the mysterious chute that dropped dirty clothes right down to the laundry room, the giant bowl filled with silver dollars and the cool stuff in the priest's bedroom: a little fridge with soft drinks in it, a popcorn machine, the soft rug in front of his bed.
He also remembers that Olszewski didn't wait long to establish that their relationship would be sexual.
Green said that first night, they went to Olszewski's bedroom and drank some wine. Then Olszewski took out some Vaseline and "he was rubbing it on me, on my front and my back. He put it up into my rectum. I felt something really weird. I just turned over and felt something else go inside of it."
While the priest had sex with him, Green said, he was looking over at the bowl full of shiny coins, thinking "all this money. He's going to give it to me," Green said.
The complete Article and photos at