By Antonio Capurro - Gay Agenda
I learned about Adam and Andy 6 years ago when I was doing my research about gay comics online. At that time I was working in Lima, the capital of Peru, managing the section called “Lima Gay” for a very open minded web site. When I saw Adam and Andy I fell in love with the likable characters. Since I was a boy, I very much enjoyed reading my favorites such as Superman, Batman or Spiderman. They fulfilled my fantasies of superheroes because even when I would dream, those were the gay males in my mind and I always wished I could have that kind of story. Finally, I found Adam and Andy and thier creator James Asal Jr.
I never imagined that years later I would have the opportunity to interview him. Going into an artist’s world is always to a new opportunity to discover a fascinating and powerful mind. Artist tend to havesensitive souls that carry a huge spectrum of ideas.
James is a skillful, talented and very nice man. A person committed to his ideas and art. He is a cartoonist, an illustrator, a gay artist who got the inspiration and the courage to give us a wonderful gay comic.
Find more of Adam and Andy here: www.adamandandy.com
Interview at . http://www.gayagenda.com/2008/11/meet-james-asal-jr-the-creator-of-adam-and-andy-a-gay-comic/